Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Late Christmas Post

Sorry for my lateness regarding Christmas but ours was put on hold because we became the house of puke and poop. Sorry too to be so graphic but it was awful. We actually didn't do a thing on Christmas Day except lie around and wish the bug would pass quickly. We took turns tending to Tanner since me, my Mom, Dad, and Larry all had the gastro bug starting at 1:01am Christmas Day. Again it was awful.

Well, enough of that. We are better now, finally finished opening all the presents, bought a new microwave since ours caught on fire the week before Christmas, and are settling back into work routines. We are introducing Tanner to the plethora of toys he received and deciding which toys to donate. He got so many and after just having a birthday, it really is ridiculous so we're going to give some of them away. Any local ideas? We are trying to teach Tanner at a young age to be selfless and giving so it sticks with him throughout his life.

My favorite gift is the first two books in the Twilight series. I know this may sound silly since it's about young love with a vampire but I really have enjoyed the ability to step away from reality for a little while. I finished Twilight in less than 3 days and now I'm reading the second book in the series, New Moon. I want to go see the movie but I can't convince Larry that this is a good idea. I might just go see it by myself. We'll see.

So what was your favorite Christmas gift, story, or memory?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Christmas Tree

Jamie - Can we leave it up year round? It's just so pretty.
Larry - Have you lost your mind?
Jamie - Maybe.
Larry - It's 9 feet tall and takes up a large part of the room. No.
Jamie - But the lights are awesome and it adds color and dimension to this room.
Larry - You have lost your mind.
Jamie - Then after Christmas I'm painting this room.
Larry - That sounds nice. What color?
Jamie - Who said anything about a color. I'm paining a big tree, right here in the corner :o)

Merry Christmas All!

Monday, December 22, 2008

All I Want for Christmas...

is a nap.

Is that too much to ask ya think? I have felt unbelievably worn down lately and I'm not really sure why. I promise I am not doing too much as evidenced by my house not being as clean as I would like, there are some dirty clothes in the laundry room waiting to be washed, and there are random things in random places because I don't know where they need to live for the long haul. My Christmas shopping is done, it's mostly all wrapped and under the tree, and my holiday baking is done.

So why do I feel so whooped? No clue but I'm going to the doctor tomorrow because it seems like I have no energy to do anything and I feel worse when I get more sleep than usual (I don't require a lot of sleep, 5 hours or so but I've been getting like 7+). Anyway, I'm not alarmed just want to make sure my sugar isn't out of whack or my B12 isn't in the negative digits (my speech is starting to struggle which is why I suspect #2 is wonky again).

I think what will really help is getting my reserves back up from a few days off when I can stay in my jammers for a few hours more, play in the floor with Tanner, visit with family and friends, and actually eat real breakfast food at breakfast time.

So, if you happen to see Santa, put in a good word for me please. All Jamie wants for Christmas is a nap :o)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blog Slacker

What can I say? I'm a blog slacker. I could come up with 5000 excuses of why I haven't blogged for a few days but they would be just that, excuses. Truly and honestly I have been busy. Busy busy busy. But aren't we all? Especially this time of year?

I promised in a previous blog that this Christmas was going to be different and so far it has been. I am finished shopping and I'm getting ready to do the Christmas baking, which for me is a treat rather than a chore or punishment. Somewhere in there I had time to blog, I could have made time to blog, I just didn't.

We've been doing a lot as we've been on the go for several weeks now but it just didn't get mentioned. For instance, we've been to Toy-R-Us and shopped for Tanner but we didn't buy anything. We decided he doesn't need more STUFF so we're going to put money in his savings and get him some fun and little silly stuff for his stocking. We've also been to Larry's Christmas Dinner at Charlies, our church's Christmas dinner catered by Texas Roadhouse, my work Christmas party at Boonsboro Country Club, Jill's house for Binner (yes Binner), and more. Tanner's also been really sick with pneumonia and a double ear infection but he's better and now he has a black eye. Random, but true. He got hit in the face with a toy at daycare.

So today, I'm a blog slacker with not much to say although I feel like I said more than I initially had planned. I'll save my thanks for tomorrow's entry and call it a day. And Mrs. Skammer, I'm getting back to work :o)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am always thankful for my family, friends, life, health, love, happiness, Jesus, freedom, safety, laughter and so much more…

This past week I have been and am still particularly thankful for:

-such willing, flexible, and loving parents who volunteered to keep Tanner (who is very sick) both yesterday and today
-another year that I got to see the Living Christmas Tree with my Grandma. We have done this every year since I can remember. Tanner also went and did great - he slept through the whole thing!
-Larry's willingness to take down old funky light fixtures at Mom and Dad's house to help them complete their bathroom remodeling
-my Mom in general. She is a wonderful and caring person and she's one of the best listeners and advice givers in the world. I love you Mom!
-one more week that I got to eat lunch with my Grandma (who's health is failing fast sadly)
-funny memories and the many smiles I've had while thinking of all the crazy things we used to do - SMALL TOWN FUN!!

Do you have a funny story?

After my Ghoti Hook blog entry on Monday, I got some feedback from those that were around during that part of my life (and still are).

Jill, Jennifer, and Cathy remembered the pie tasting/wearing contest and Cathy even remembered being the culprit that smashed it in my face. Jennifer shared that there were some other things we did to push the limits. I hope not to bad, but who knows!

These kind of stories and memories really make me laugh.

Do you have any that you have recently remembered? Something funny we did together?

As I sit here at my desk, eating birthday cake for breakfast (provided by the company in honor of December birthdays), I remember my first ever camping trip and eating Oreos and Snickers minis and a bunch of other junk food until we were sick. It was great! We stayed up late and talked and laughed and it's one of my favorite memories of the three of us. I have the picture that we took of ourselves still up on my wall at home (I'm going to take it down and see if I can get a copy made of it and add it to this entry).

I also remember little things like Casey and I trying to join the gang at the beach and we got stuck in a tricky cloverleaf for 45 minutes. And night fishing with Casey, Jill, and Dave Dudley and I was too scared to stand up because I hate water at night (and Dave kept getting the boat so close to the bridge underpass). Water at night really freaks me out. And driving home from a beach trip and Cathy and I got burned scalps from the top being off of the jeep (dang that hurt for a while).

So many good times, memories, stories, and pictures to prove it. Do you have any funny memories? I would love to hear them.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ghoti Hook

You would have thought that by age 31 I would have grown up and that my music tastes would have changed. Well, I recently found a mixed CD that an old friend Linus made for me when I think I had just finished my freshman year in college. He and Peter Ear digitally mastered it and even made an awesome cover for it. Definitely good times.

When I heard one song by Ghoti Hook it took me back, way back. I can remember being with Jill listening to this Christian Rock/Punk band in an upstairs room of sorts in the old Spanky's building downtown. Jill, do you remember that? I loved Ghoti Hook. Correction, I think I still love Ghoti Hook and who would have guessed that after 10 years I would still know all the words? Weird what our minds log and hang on to. Ask me what I did a week ago and sadly, the answer is “not a clue”.

There were also tons of fun time during this period in my life. Jennifer and John D. taught our Sunday School class at church and they offered so many fun activities that allowed us to be our goofy selves while surrounding us with Christian teaching and love. I can remember pie tasting and wearing one, dressing up like our favorite SS teachers right down to Jill being their scary devil child, CathyJo being a pretty hot soccer player and I was a pretty sassy pregnant teacher. I can also remember spending time at the beach both with the SS class and with Jill, Ed, and Jason and visiting Mount Trashmore was it? I remember “the movie” that night at the hotel. LOL!

As my mind wonders back to those days, I smile. I can also remember singing into a hair brush, road trips that seemed like they would never end, falling on my face on a sand volleyball court, and random and free things that we found fun. Well, just a little walk down memory lane, to a time that was simple and fun. Ah the memories.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am always thankful for my family, friends, life, health, love, happiness, Jesus, freedom, safety, laughter and so much more…

This past week I have been and am still particularly thankful for:

-my Dad - who turned 65 yesterday!!
-my Mom - who's birthday is tomorrow!!
-Jill's safe travels to and from AZ - welcome back friend
-another week that I got to have lunch with my Grandma
-a successful time getting the tree up with my BahHumBug of a husband (who I am also thankful for, just wish he would get into the Christmas spirit already)
-getting so much Christmas shopping DONE - and yes Jill, my spreadsheet rocks!
-getting Christmas presents to Oregon shipped already. I almost stroked out at the Post Office - poor Post Office worker - it wasn't pleasant.
-the prospect of getting to see so many of my friends that will come in for the holidays. I have already heard from 4! CathyJo-you guys coming in??

Take a moment to enjoy the Christmas season. Merry Christmas Early!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To go or not to go? That is the question.

I have wanted to go back to California since Tanner was born so Larry's extended family could meet Tanner, especially Larry's Grandparents, Tanner's Great Grandparents. Mama and Papa (pronounced Mumma and Puppa), who are well into their 80s, send cards and money on a regular basis to their youngest great grandchild whom they have never met. I really want them to be able to meet Tanner while they are still alive and I want to show my appreciation for their unbelievably sweet gifts.

Larry is terrified of flying with Tanner. Ok, that might be a bit dramatic, but he is not happy about the prospect of traveling for 8-10 hours with a 1 year old, specifically on a straight 5-6 hour flight.

Those of you who know Tanner know he's a flexible baby and can go with the flow, but he is a wiggly little dude and doesn't like to sit still for long. Heck, I can't sit still for long and I'm not sure how a 5-6 hour flight would go either. That's why I think more flight legs is the answer. Luckily, and maybe this is a sign, US Airways is running a special from Lynchburg to Long Beach with 2 lay overs within our price range (kind of sort of if you can say a flight is within any one's price range).

Now, I just need to convince Larry this is possible. Also, I just heard from Larry's older sister Gina that they are going to be in SoCal the end of January for Patrick's 5th birthday so Tanner might have a chance to meet his aunt, uncles, and cousins for the first time as well.

Here's hoping and praying...