First, my apologies to those who need me to blog more often so they have something to help them waste time. I am sorry I have been a complete blog slacker. I will try to do better. My goal is at least once a week. The thing is, I want to blog when I'm at work because I'm at the computer all day but when I get home, being on the computer is the last thing I want to do. Anyway, I Jamie Gagnon, promise to be a better blogger.
Second, I got my hair cut. I was trying to let it grow out but it was getting to that disastrous part where every day I asked myself what I was doing. What was I thinking?! Since my hair is naturally curly, I was just fighting against nature and sadly, I was losing. My hair was getting to the point where it would take me at least 20-30 minutes just to get it blow dried and flatened. And did it stay that way for long, nope. As soon as any sort of humidity hit it, it would frizz. It feels much better and I think I'll keep it short for a while.
Well, off to finish some chores. Larry's family is coming in from CA next week and I need to get the house in order...
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
cool. can't wait to see your hair :-)
thanks for blogging!!!
welcome back!!
welcome back! we missed you!
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