What is that you may ask? I feel like I haven't a clue myself.
Af.ter. a l.on.g day. st.ar.t.ng. with. .getting up ear.ly, drivin.g to Greensbor..o, worki.ng and attending meetings.., driving back h.om.e from Gr..eensboro, attemp.ti.ng to change cloth.es .with a toddl.er.......... hanging on my leg, fe.ed.ing said toddler and attemp.ti.ng to feed mysel.f, I AM WHOOPED. Ab.solutely and unequi.vocably who.oped. I am so tired I. feel delirious. I'm sur.e y..ou are saying to y.ourself then how in t.he world are you blogg.ing? Easy answer, Tan.ner. i.s s..itt.ing right h.ere w.ith m.e hi.tting. the .space .bar.. an.d random peri.ods...
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
Cute close on that, Jamie! Love that Tan-Man.
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