You ever have one of those times in your life that although things seem to be going ok, you still feel like you are in a major funk? I don't know what my deal is but that last few weeks I have felt run down and a little on the cranky side. Again, I have no idea what my deal is or what exactly this stems from... but I have some ideas.
1. My mom asked me if I was sick. I don't feel sick, just tired and tired of crap in particular. Several things are going on around me that are out of my control and I just want to be able to 1. change them or 2. make them go away.
2. My teammate from work is now out on maternity leave and where as I am truly happy for her, I am doing all her work in addition to mine while she is out. The work is tough, time consuming, I am stressed and I don't have enough hours in the day to get it all done. I don't function well being behind.
3. I don't have a sounding board that gets me.
4. I still want a baby and I'm tired of feeling broken.
5. I'm having trouble with my speech again.
6. I miss my true girlfriends, road trips and the beach.
This is just the short list. The list of things going well is much longer though so that's a plus, I know I'm loved and I do feel blessed. Thanks to Jill, I am also putting my 101 Things That Make Me Smile list in place.
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago