You ever have one of those times in your life that although things seem to be going ok, you still feel like you are in a major funk? I don't know what my deal is but that last few weeks I have felt run down and a little on the cranky side. Again, I have no idea what my deal is or what exactly this stems from... but I have some ideas.
1. My mom asked me if I was sick. I don't feel sick, just tired and tired of crap in particular. Several things are going on around me that are out of my control and I just want to be able to 1. change them or 2. make them go away.
2. My teammate from work is now out on maternity leave and where as I am truly happy for her, I am doing all her work in addition to mine while she is out. The work is tough, time consuming, I am stressed and I don't have enough hours in the day to get it all done. I don't function well being behind.
3. I don't have a sounding board that gets me.
4. I still want a baby and I'm tired of feeling broken.
5. I'm having trouble with my speech again.
6. I miss my true girlfriends, road trips and the beach.
This is just the short list. The list of things going well is much longer though so that's a plus, I know I'm loved and I do feel blessed. Thanks to Jill, I am also putting my 101 Things That Make Me Smile list in place.
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4 weeks ago
hope some girl time with me on tuesday will cure your funk ;)
and I can't wait to see your list!!
love ya!
i am looking forward to your list girlie!
I know how you feel..sometimes I get into a funk and I just dont know why! I hope your funk lifts soon!
Anytime you need a break or some girl time Im just a short drive away...I would love to have you!
Love ya,
Even though I'm not "there" for you, I'm "here" for know what I mean!
I find myself in this "funk" a lot without explanation. It happens a lot for me when people are planning baby showers or showing off their baby bump. I know I'm being selfish because I already have one child, but i desperatly want another. It seems when I should be happy I get in this funk this most. You are not alone. Hope it passes soon!!
Jamie--I'm guilty of not reading your blog in a while (I think I knew you weren't blogging frequently because you were so busy and so I was just checking it really infrequently). I'm in the wannababy funk with you--so much so that I went completely off birth control and told Duane it was his little red wagon to take care of it. ;) It's hard when you want something so bad and you're praying for it, and it just doesn't seem to be happening. That Bible study I'm doing at TRBC, Discerning the Voice of God, has been a true source of comfort with that struggle, because it's allowed me to step outside of myself and hear God speak to me and listen when He says "not now." It's hard, and it's not what I want to hear, but it's His will, you know? And it helps to remember that He has this perfect plan for me, even if it's not my perfect plan for me. So hang in there, girlfriend.
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