The countdown.
More than likely you've either heard this from your parents during your childhood or you've used it recently as a parent with your own kids although the number sequence may vary.
I have recently found myself having to use the countdown in more situations that I care to admit. Mostly, I use the countdown in trying to teach Tanner obediance. This is a huge concept for a 2 year old but what a better time to lay this foundation than right now? Right? Maybe?
He needs to have a clear understanding of what Larry and I expect from him and what society expects of everyone as human beings. I am trying to raise a thoughtful and caring little boy so that when he grows up and is a man, he knows how to treat those around him.
I have also had to use the countdown for myself, especially when Tanner in his true 2 year old fashion disobeys even the littlest request. I mean the blatant disobediance frustrates me on a level I didn't even know existed for me personally.
I am usually a very calm, relaxed and flexible person. I also pride myself with being aware of how others are feeling or perceive situations and this goes for Tanner as well. I try to remember that he is only 2 and he is learning about his environment and is bombarded continuously with new input that he has to make sense of. It's the times when I can see him thinking about what I'm asking him to do, or not do, and then purposefully making the opposite decision that is unbelievably infuriating. For me, this is when I have to use the countdown.
Tonight I found myself actually having to walk away, leave the room, breathe it out and apply the countdown just to get control of my emotions. I hate feeling like I can't get Tanner to understand that what I'm asking him to do is in his best interest. What 2 year old understands this? Instead, I have to make myself understand that this is just a bump in the road and tell myself that it will get better and to keep on teaching him the things I need him to know and get.
Until then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
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4 weeks ago
Persevere, my sweet friend. I can remember using the "countdown" with our son who is now 28! He learned how to count to 10 forwards and backwards!! So, there is a little reward in using this method. By the way, our son grew up to be a fine young man who is now using the countdown with his own son, Caleb! It always comes full circle.
Take care,
keep telling yourself these things.... ;)
And "this too shall pass".
But you'll have a whole slew of other things to pass down the road. hehe.
enjoy your family!
see ya soon!!!!
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