Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What a 2 Year Old Says to Random Strangers

"Hi. I pee peed in the potty." or even better "Hi. I pooped in the potty."

Yes, these have now become Tanner's favorite things to share with anyone and everyone he comes in contact with.

For example, the other night Tanner and I were at Kohl's looking for jammies and returning a pair of shorts and in a matter of 10 minutes or less he had shared his new found mastery of the potty with approximately 3 families.

Blessedly, these families also had children and seemed to #1 not be phased and #2 roll with it and offer their congratulations.

The sweetest thing I witnessed that night was when we were leaving the store and Tanner and I were holding the door for an elderly gentleman that was carrying what looked like a large vaccuum cleaner box. Tanner of course in his true 2 year old fashion shared with this man that he pee peed in the potty. Well the older man didn't miss a beat. He said "Way to go buddy, that's pretty big news." and hi fived Tanner.

Well of course after that Tanner thought he was definitely hot stuff. He is so proud of himself and so are we. My baby is growing up too fast.


Jill said...

haha! love it when you blog :)

Paula said...

you guys are way too funny! thanks for sharing tanner's proud moments! Way to go, Tanner!
love you all,