Dear Winter,
We’ve been together now for several months and I just don’t think it’s working out.
Our relationship was beautiful in the beginning as your white fluffy flakes fell from the sky. It made me feel happy as I blinked it off my eyelashes and caught it on my tongue. It even closed my work for a day and other work days we opened late or closed early. They were truly bright points in our relationship that I will never forget.
Sadly, now the white fluffy goodness is a gray slushy mess on the side of the road and it’s become much harder than it used to be. We used to have fun, but now it just seems like we have to work too hard. I have grown tired of the layers that I must put on day after day to avoid your cold chill. My skin is pale and itchy and I miss seeing the grass. Perhaps we have run our course.
Believe me when I say I don’t blame you for anything and that truly it’s not you, it’s me. We’re also in a different place now than when this relationship first began. At first I was trying to escape Summer’s oppressive heat and Autumn just passed by too quickly. I think we’ve just grown a part. I want you to know that I enjoyed our time together and I will cherish the memories we’ve made together but that I can no longer see you. I wish you well and I hope you find true happiness.
With Fondness,
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
Dear Jamie,
Don't think you can get rid of me so easily. I remember the first days that we spent together. You wanted me... you desired me. And I played an important part in your changing seasons.
I settled in and made myself comfortable. The children adored me and looked forward to seeing me every day.
And now, just when I'm getting settled in... you are ready to call it quits?
I feel used and abandoned.
I won't give up as easily as you think. You have not seen the last of me.
so.... sleep with one eye open.
yours truly,
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