For real. This has been a LONG week. Nothing major or bad or anything like that, just long. I have had several projects at work that are just about finished and I've had several projects at home that didn't even get started. Oh well. Maybe this coming week I will get my "stuff" in order.
Something that I did do reluctantly, after dragging my feet for a week or so, is complete a "25 Random Things About Me" note on Facebook. When I first started to see them posted I said I didn't have time to do one, I didn't want to do one, and that I thought they were silly. Then I read my friend Kevin's "list" and it was great. It was heartfelt and funny. It was real and fairly eye opening. It got me to thinking about my 25 random things. They are things that I rarely admit outloud or that few people may know and some are just funny and quirky things about me that people have known forever.
So I'm posting my list here for those of you that read this and don't Facebook (Cathy).
25 Random Things About Jamie
1. The older I get I find that I am more like Mr. Rogers and laugh…as soon as I get home from work I change out of my work clothes and shoes and put on either my favorite jeans or yoga pants, a t-shirt, and either my crocs or bedroom slippers. The only things I’m missing are a cardigan sweater and creepy puppets.
2. It took 7 years and many tests, procedures, and surgeries to get pregnant with our now 14 month old son Tanner.
3. My husband Larry and I have been married for 8 years and we’ve been together for 11.
4. Tanner is the joy of my life and a true miracle baby. He’s a pretty funny kid too.
5. My dream job would be working with kids or adults with disabilities in a creative and fun setting with little to no paperwork OR opening my own kitchen store and offering cooking and baking classes.
6. I really enjoy hanging out with my brother and sister-in-law and their kids. We are a tight bunch and have a lot of fun together.
7. I used to play bass guitar (sadly not very well) in a rock/punk/grunge band name Taming Meat while in high school.
8. I really enjoy camping, again, especially with my brother and sister-in-law. We have a pop up camper (we got one after they did and saw how awesome it is) and it is such an upgrade from tent camping.
9. I twirled a flag in the colorguard at HHS for 3 years and it was awesome and we had some really great times. People seemed confused that I didn’t do it for all 4 years but I played volleyball my freshman year.
10. I am blessed in so many ways but especially by the people I am surrounded by. I have the best best friends in the world – My Mom, Jill, Cathy, Stormy, Renee, Jason, and Larry.
11. I listen to a lot of random music. On my iPod currently is Pearl Jam, Neil Diamond, Dave Matthews, Tori Amos, Bob Marley, The Killers, Sinead O’Conner, Credence Clearwater Revival, David Crowder Band, Blind Melon, Limp Bizkit, and more.
12. I have the same iPod as my 8 year old nephew and my 5 year old niece but their iPods are actually cooler because they are fun colors.
13. My husband is from California. We met through “mutual friends” – Ha ha! It’s only funny if you know the real story.
14. I enjoy blogging ( but sometimes feel, what I imagine is, writers block.
15. I eat lunch with my Grandma every Wednesday and have for years. Usually we split a sandwich, have a handful of chips, and pickles. She sits one small piece of chocolate with my keys for my ride back to work. (Random side note but my Grandma is the youngest sibling of 13 and my Papa was the youngest sibling of 16.)
16. I was voted Class Clown for senior superlatives in the Heritage year book. Who would have guessed?
17. My parents are two of the sweetest people you will ever meet. They care so much about others and both of them would do anything for anybody at any time. They are an inspiration to Larry and I since they have also been married for 38 years.
18. I really like to ride my bike and am thinking about getting a new bike maybe for my birthday. The one I still ride is almost 14 years old.
19. I’m a firm believer that growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.
20. I swam competitively from the time I was 3 until my freshman year in college. The younger years of swimming were some of the best years of my life.
21. From 4th grade until I graduated from college I went to 8 different schools.
22. I loved loved loved reading the Twilight Saga although I swore I wouldn’t read it. They were the first books in a long time that seriously challenged my imagination and I struggled to put them down. I love to read now but hated it when I was a child.
23. My favorite holiday is the 4th of July. I love that we get together as a family, eat a good meal, usually something from the grill, go to the ballgame and then watch fireworks. No gifts or panicking involved just a chill day.
24. I love water and love every chance I get to be at the pool, lake, ocean, water park, etc although I am deathly afraid of drowning and what lurks in the water that I can’t see.
25. My brother and I speak in movie lines. It drives some people crazy. We love it.
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
I guess I know you pretty well, I knew most of those things about you...except for you comparing yourself to Mr. Rodgers....thats just strange!
hey. blog slacker.
give us something new!
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