Wishes, Prayers, and Dreams for 2009:
Have a girls weekend with Jill and Cathy
Camping trips: Smith Mountain Lake State Park, Douthat State Park, Fairy Stone State Park
Get pregnant
Hope Grandma’s health improves
Do something completely spontaneous
Pay off last credit card
Redecorate the living room
Get back to riding my bike
Lose about 30 pounds (or more)
Ride the Virginia Creeper Trail (anyone want to do this with me?)
Eat breakfast out with Larry
So, here's to 2009.It's going to be an awesome year.
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
hey! I'd ride the creeper trail with ya! :-)
you just say when...
My list for the New Year seems very similar to yours!! Well....not so much breakfast with Larry, but Im up for it if he is paying! =)
You guys name the weekend and I am up for it...this month Cory has drill the 23rd-25th, so I know that weekend is open for me. Love ya!!
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