After my Ghoti Hook blog entry on Monday, I got some feedback from those that were around during that part of my life (and still are).
Jill, Jennifer, and Cathy remembered the pie tasting/wearing contest and Cathy even remembered being the culprit that smashed it in my face. Jennifer shared that there were some other things we did to push the limits. I hope not to bad, but who knows!
These kind of stories and memories really make me laugh.
Do you have any that you have recently remembered? Something funny we did together?
As I sit here at my desk, eating birthday cake for breakfast (provided by the company in honor of December birthdays), I remember my first ever camping trip and eating Oreos and Snickers minis and a bunch of other junk food until we were sick. It was great! We stayed up late and talked and laughed and it's one of my favorite memories of the three of us. I have the picture that we took of ourselves still up on my wall at home (I'm going to take it down and see if I can get a copy made of it and add it to this entry).
I also remember little things like Casey and I trying to join the gang at the beach and we got stuck in a tricky cloverleaf for 45 minutes. And night fishing with Casey, Jill, and Dave Dudley and I was too scared to stand up because I hate water at night (and Dave kept getting the boat so close to the bridge underpass). Water at night really freaks me out. And driving home from a beach trip and Cathy and I got burned scalps from the top being off of the jeep (dang that hurt for a while).
So many good times, memories, stories, and pictures to prove it. Do you have any funny memories? I would love to hear them.
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
SMALL TOWN FUN??? Need I say more? That should bring up all sorts of memories!
I remember that I can't ever eat beef stroganoff... ever again.
You puked in Ed's front yard after eating it- those were the days!
Memories of that same time...
Picking out the shot that was left in the dove that Dave cooked for us.
Pumpking carving in my basement and all your silly costumes! (I loved that you were actually worried enough about how we would react to your costumes... which is what I meant by seeing how close to the edge you could go!)You certainly played it up for weeks and had us worried about what on earth you guys had dreamed up!
Looking at the pie pictures, it looks like Jamie got plenty of revenge and then everyone had to clean my kitchen!
At a cookie baking party Jill had to email Jamie because she was off to California and was missed!! Looking at the rest of the cookie pictures, apparently no one had much baking experience!
Going to the circus. (More of that small town fun!!)
Beach trips... complete with temporary tattoes, Jill singing at a seafood restaurant, rinsing sand off out in the ocean by removing swim suits, climbing lighthouses and dunes... and so much more!
Everybody coming to the hospital to see the new baby... and try out all the levers on the bed!
Yep! LOTS of wonderful memories of those years!!
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