I just need to get this small rant out of my system. What's bothering me so is the lack of attention people pay to each other. I mean really taking time for each other, listening to them, and caring.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves and our own lives that we miss what's going on around us, or simply, we just don't care what's going on around us. People seem to want something five minutes ago and when it doesn't work out exactly as planned, they are devastated. Well you know what people? God never said life would be easy. Maybe we need to take a step back from our fast paced lives and just breathe. Just stop and take a simple breath. In. Out. Do you feel any better? Sometimes just taking a breath, in and out, gets me through. Ultimately, God gets me through, and he gives me that breath. He's that still small voice reassuring me that everything will be ok. Then that moment comes when I'm grounded again. I continue to concentrate on the in and out, if only for a moment or two, in and out.
There have been several big things going on in my life recently that have just knocked me to my knees. The kind of eye opening events that people my age should not have to experience. But those are just my standards because recently I have had to remind myself, more than in my previous 31 years of life, that God is in control and that everything happens for a reason. It does not mean I have to understand it or like it, I just have to accept that it happened exactly as God planned. Everything is in God's time. He reminds me when I'm so focused on me and what I'm going through to just stop and breathe. In and out. Are you breathing? In. Out.
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
yep, it's about time I put my foot down to the chaos around me and just BREATHE. It has been 4 crazy weeks.
I'm realizing that I want to be able to fully experience my grief and stop being so darn busy!
i'm ready for things to slow down.
But I'm also hoping to see you soon! Love you!
so true...don't ever think no one's listening, because someone always is...listening, watching, just there if you need them.
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