Trying to get it all done. That's the ever present syndrome that I face, as well as most women and moms I know. This Christmas, I am going to do it differently.
I have made a vow to myself, my sanity, and my bank account, that Christmas this year is going to be the best ever but it's not going to involve running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I am cutting back BIG TIME and I'm pretty excited about it (I've even made an Excel spreadsheet with projected price per person/per gift and have set up formulas to help me see how much I'm spending so I can make good choices - don't laugh Jill).
It's not just the money, although we are all feeling that pinch I'm sure, but it's the REAL reason. I have felt for sometime that we have lost sight of Jesus and that retailers make it too easy to get caught up in the buying and spending and the I wants and the I gotta haves. After all, its Jesus' birth we are celebrating at Christmas.
This brings me to point #2. Tanner is only 1 so he doesn't have a concept of what Christmas really is or is about or how in the world Santa fits in but I have been thinking about this (and I would love any suggestions or feedback on the Santa part). How do I start planting the seed that we get presents at Christmas because we are celebrating Jesus' birth without dousing the traditional Santa Clause (Jesus' role at Christmas seems like a no brainer to me so I think we're good there)? I don't want my kid to ruin it for others that believe in Santa, etc. I want to raise him to know Jesus and to understand the real meaning for the holiday and still have that magic that I can remember from my childhood and still feel on occasion.
May your life be filled with magic this Thanksgiving and Christmas season!
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago